Please describe how Seibu Giken Co., Ltd. was established.
In November 1962, the Kuma Laboratory was established in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture as the predecessor of the current Seibu Giken Co., Ltd. for the purpose of conducting funded research from other companies. Thereafter, in July 1965, Seibu Giken Technology Research Co., Ltd. was established, and its trade name changed to Seibu Giken Co., Ltd. in April 1972. Since then, the business has expanded, and in October 1995, the head office relocated to Koga Town (currently Koga City), Kasuya County, Fukuoka Prefecture, and a factory was constructed.
Please refer to “Group History” for further details.
Where are you listed?
Seibu Giken Co., Ltd. was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market on October 3, 2023.
What is your securities code?
It is 6223.
When do you announce the financial results?
Our fiscal year ends on December 31 every year, and we announce our financial results in February. Please refer to “IR Calendar” for the quarterly announcement of financial results.
The record date for year-end dividends is December 31. If there are interim dividends, the record date for dividends is June 30.
Are there shareholder benefits?
There are none at this time.
How many shares are in a trading unit?
100 shares. *One trading unit refers to the number of shares that is used as the acceptable minimum quantity for trading on exchanges.
What procedures are required for name transfers, changes of address, etc.?
For stock-related procedures, please contact the securities company where you have opened your trading account.
When are general meetings of shareholders held?
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held in late March every year. The date, time, location, etc., of the event will be announced in early March every year to the shareholders as of December 31 of the previous year of the meeting.
How are voting rights exercised at general meetings of shareholders?
A Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders and a voting form are sent to shareholders registered in the shareholder registry as of the end of the record date for the General Meeting of Shareholders (or as of December 31 in the case of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders). Voting rights may be exercised by any of the following methods:
(1) Attending the general meeting with the voting form,
(2) Indicating approval or disapproval on the voting form and sending it back, or
(3) Accessing the dedicated website for the exercise of voting rights and entering approval or disapproval.
How can I get further information, etc. about investor relations?
We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you have any inquiries regarding IR, please use the inquiry form here. We will respond via email. We received phone inquiries regarding matters to which we refrain from responding, such as matters that may fall under “Material Facts” under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act or stock price. For us to ensure that our responses are fair and accurate, we have decided that it is appropriate to receive inquiries via this form.