About Seibu GikenGroup History
Group History
Product History
Kuma Laboratory founded by Toshimi Kuma
Seibu Giken Technology Research Co., Ltd. established
Core technology to form honeycomb structure born upon completion of developing the corrugation manufacturing process and a continuous forming production machine
Heat wheel released to market
Honeycomb processing technology established;
OEM business commenced
OEM business commenced
Head office and factory built in Sasaguri Town, Fukuoka
Desiccant dehumidifying rotor released to market
Business alliance with DST Sorptionsteknik AB in Sweden
Ultra-low dew point dehumidifying rotor released to market
Business alliance with Kraftanlagen AG in Germany
The Best 10 New Products Award received from Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (for development of the ultra-low dew point dehumidifying rotor)
World’s first zeolite VOC concentrating rotor released to market
World’s first zeolite VOC concentrating rotor released to market
DST Sorptionsteknik AB acquired, and Seibu Giken DST AB established
The Best Paper Award received from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (for development of a thermal driven honeycomb dehumidifier for adsorption cooling systems)
Head office relocated to its present location in Koga City; Factory No. 1 built
The Science and Technology Agency Director-General’s Award received from the Science and Technology Agency (for achievements in the promotion of science and technology, i.e., for the development of a concentrated removal device for volatile organic solvents and a dehumidifier using an adsorbent)
The Award for Excellence in the Utilization of the Industrial Property Rights System received from the Japan Patent Office
The Award for Excellence in the Utilization of the Industrial Property Rights System received from the Japan Patent Office
Chieko Kuma appointed president upon the demise of Toshimi Kuma
Sales of “HI-PANEX-ION,” ion adsorption enthalpy wheel commenced
Certificates of appreciation awarded by the Japan National Council of Social Welfare and the Japan Social Employment Council
The Patent Attorneys Association President’s Award (for the heat wheel) and the Achievement Award received from the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation.
The Medium and Small Business Research Institute Prize (for development of organic solvent concentration removal device) awarded
Seibu Giken America, Inc. established
The Technology Award received from the Society of Separation Process Engineers (for the adsorption desiccant air conditioner with a honeycomb dehumidifying rotor)
Fumio Kuma appointed president
The Society of Chemical Engineers Technology Award (for the adsorption desiccant air-conditioning system) received
Factory No. 2 built
The Japan Society on Adsorption Technology Award (for the ion adsorption enthalpy wheel) received
Factory No. 3 built
Selected by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) as one of Japan’s “300 Exciting Monozukuri (Manufacturing) SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)”
The Japan Society on Adsorption Technology Award (for the upgraded version of the zeolite honeycomb rotor VOC concentrator) received
Seibu Giken (Changshu) Co., Ltd. in China established
The 34th Prize for Excellent Executives awarded by the Kyushu-Yamaguchi Regional Economic Contributor Award Foundation
The 34th Prize for Excellent Executives awarded by the Kyushu-Yamaguchi Regional Economic Contributor Award Foundation
The Japan Association on Odor Environment Technology Award (for the VOC concentrator) received
The 3rd Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Monozukuri Nippon Grand Awards (for the development and commercialization of the ion adsorption enthalpy wheel) received
DST Seibu Giken (Changshu) Co., Ltd. in China established
The Corporate Prize in the 2010 Fukuoka Prefecture Gender Equality Awards awarded by Fukuoka Prefecture
Seibu Giken DST America, Inc. established
Seibu Giken DST Poland SP. ZO.O. established
Selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a “Global Niche Top 100 Company”
Seibu Giken DR Engineering Co., Ltd. established
Seibu Giken DR Engineering Co., Ltd. established
Selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as one of the “100 Best Companies for Diversity Management”
The Minister of State for Gender Equality Prize, Leading Companies Where Women Shine awarded by Cabinet Office
The Minister of State for Gender Equality Prize, Leading Companies Where Women Shine awarded by Cabinet Office
Top prize in the 29th Awards for Excellent New Technologies & Products by Small & Medium Enterprises received
Seibu Giken Innovation Center established
In-house Hanikamu Daycare opened
Shonan Office opened
In-house Hanikamu Daycare opened
Shonan Office opened
Seibu Giken Korea Co., Ltd. established
Munakata Factory built
ISO9001 certification acquired