About Seibu GikenGroup Structure

Close Collaboration as One Team

In each business field, the Seibu Giken Group provides high-quality products and services to customers around the world in cooperation with group companies in Japan and overseas.

株式会社西部技研 Japan 西部技研DRエンジニアリング 中国 China 韓国 Korea アメリカ USA スウェーデン Sweden ポーランド Poland

Seibu Giken Group Companies


Seibu Giken Co., Ltd.

Headquarters of the Seibu Giken Group.
Development, manufacturing, sales and after-sales services of full products lineup.

3108-3 Aoyagi, Koga-shi, Fukuoka, 811-3134, Japan
TEL : +81-92-942-3511 (main switchboard number)
E-mail : info@seibu-giken.co.jp


Seibu Giken (Changshu) Co., Ltd.

Manufacturing, sales and after-sales services of VOC concentrators and enthalpy wheels.

No.83 Jinlin Road, Changshu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, 215500, China
TEL : +86-512-5230-3000
E-mail : sales@sg-china.com.cn

Seibu Giken DST China (Changshu) Co., Ltd.

Manufacturing, sales and after-sales services of DST branded desiccant dehumidifiers.

No.29 Jinmen Road, High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Changshu, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, 215500, China
TEL : +86-512-5235-8266
E-mail : info@dst.cn


Seibu Giken Korea Co., Ltd.

Sales of VOC concentrators and desiccant dehumidifiers.

#A 1401, Dongtan Keumkang Penterium IX Tower27 Dongtancheomdansaneop 1-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
TEL : +82-31-8055-0582


Seibu Giken America, Inc.

Manufacturing and sales of enthalpy wheels and VOC concentrators.

10 Corporate Blvd., Sinking Spring, PA 19608
TEL : +1-484-709-2093
E-mail : sales@sgamerica.net

Seibu Giken DST America, Inc.

Manufacturing and sales of DST branded desiccant dehumidifiers.

4700 N. 5th Street Highway, Suite 5, Temple, Pa 19560, USA
TEL : +1-610-743-5012
E-mail : info@dst-america.com


Seibu Giken DST AB

Development, Manufacturing and sales of DST branded desiccant dehumidifiers.
Business through sales representatives in more than 50 countries.

Avestagatan 33, SE 163-53, Spånga, Sweden
TEL : +46-8-445-7720
E-mail : info@dst-sg.com

Seibu Giken DST Poland Sp. zo.o.

Manufacturing and sales of DST branded desiccant dehumidifiers.

ul. Rewerenda 11, 80-209 Chwaszczyno, Poland
TEL : +48-606-765-676
E-mail : pawel@dstpoland.pl

Domestic subsidiaries

SDR Engineering Co., Ltd.

Sales and construction of air treatment equipment including dry rooms.

3108-3 Aoyagi, Koga-shi, Fukuoka, 811-3134, Japan
TEL : +81-92-942-3509
E-mail : info@sdre.co.jp
