- Human Rights & Diversity
- Employee Empowerment
- Work Style and
Work-Life Synergy - Safety and Health
- Community

The corporate philosophy of “Creation and Fusion” set forth by Toshimi Kuma, the founder of Seibu Giken, leads to co-creation with stakeholders around the Seibu Giken Group.
Seibu Giken has cultivated an environment and a culture that creates new value by respecting and integrating the individuality and uniqueness of each individual.
The Seibu Giken Group’s social responsibility is to integrate this new value at a high level with our stakeholders and to co-create the future together.
Human Rights & Diversity
Basic Principle
The Seibu Giken Group established the Seibu Giken Group Policies and Procedures Guidelines in 2021. The Guidelines outline a workplace environment policy that state that (i) everyone will be given equal employment opportunities, (ii) any and all kinds of discrimination or harassment based on legally protected factors are prohibited, and (iii) health and safety will be ensured.
Our corporate philosophy of “Creation and Fusion” is the forerunner of the concept of “Diversity and Inclusion,” which is based on respect for human rights while at the same time harnessing everyone’s individuality. The kind of society we aim to create is diversity itself.
We aim to realize our corporate philosophy of “Creation and Fusion” by maximizing our organizational strengths by way of mutual understanding and respect among our diverse human resources.
Basic Policy on Human Rights
Seibu Giken has established the Risk Compliance Regulations and the Compliance Manual, both of which serve to elaborate upon the Group Guidelines. The workplace environment policy declares “a respect for human rights and the prohibition of discrimination” as well as the “prohibition of harassment.”
We prohibit all forms of discrimination and harassment and respect the human rights of every individual in order to establish a corporate culture that respects the individuality of each employee.
Initiatives Pertaining to Human Rights
Human risk management
With regard to human risk, we have established a compliance hotline and consultation service that allow us to identify suspected cases of discrimination and harassment.
See “Risk Management & Compliance.”
Harassment prevention training
To prevent human risk, we regularly conduct company-wide harassment prevention training sessions. In the past, we have conducted training sessions on various topics including the types of harassment and LGBTQ.
Basic Policy on Diversity
We aim to realize our corporate philosophy of “Creation and Fusion” by maximizing our organizational strengths by way of mutual understanding and respect among our diverse human resources.
For this reason, Seibu Giken is committed to creating environment that allow everyone to perform at their maximum potential, regardless of their individual working styles, life stages, gender, nationality, or other attributes and conditions.
Initiatives Pertaining to Diversity
Gender equality and empowerment
In line with the desire of our second president, Chieko Kuma, to “build up a company where women can play a more active role,” we have, since 1998, pursued women’s empowerment by emphasizing it in our recruitment, training, promotion and other employment practices. In recent years, the focus of our efforts has increasingly shifted from providing support for women to encouraging and empowering gender cooperation.
In terms of hard infrastructure, we established an in-house day-care center, the “Hanikamu Daycare,” at our head office in 2018 to provide, as a company, facilities which help employees to balance work with childcare.
In terms of soft infrastructure, our establishment and encouragement of childcare leave has resulted in a greater utilization rate amongst men. We have also introduced various systems, such as shorter working hours for employees who are caring for children and more flexible work arrangements, which help employees balance work with childcare.
Through these efforts we are promoting D&I, regardless of gender, and fostering the creation of work-life synergy.
(See the following websites for the latest information on gender equality and empowerment, including the ratio of female managers and the percentage of male and female employees who have taken childcare leave.)
- Database of Companies Promoting Women’s Empowerment | Company Information
- General Employer Action Plan Disclosure Site: A site that introduces the initiatives of companies supporting work-life balance.
Working with Foreign Employees
We expanded our business overseas since its early days and currently has subsidiaries in Europe, the United States, China and South Korea. Hiring more foreign employees and developing global human resources, which serve as a bridge between the overseas subsidiaries/markets and support our further global expansion are one of the most important challenges.
We actively recruit foreign employees and assign them to various departments to support their career success.
Working with People with disabilities
We hire employees with or without disabilities, placing emphasis on individual ability and motivation. We currently employ more people with disabilities than the legally mandated employment rate, and we continue to create workplaces where employees with disabilities can play an active role and actively promote their employment.
In addition, since the company’s establishment, we have asked a facility for people with disabilities (Hisayama Jiritsuen) to manufacture some parts for our products, thereby playing a part in supporting the employment of people with disabilities in the local communities.
In recognition of these diversity-related efforts, we have received the following awards and certifications.
- Kurumin Certification
- Fukuoka Prefecture Childcare-Friendly Company Declaration
- Leading Companies Where Women Shine (2015)
- 100 Best Companies for Diversity Management (2017)
- Fukuoka Prefecture Companies Supporting Persons with Disabilities Certification (2022)

Employee Empowerment
Basic Principle and Employee Empowerment Policy
Our employee empowerment policy is rooted in our efforts to realize our corporate philosophy of “Creation and Fusion.”

Employee Empowerment and Human Resources Development Initiatives
At Seibu Giken, we are committed to fostering continuous growth in each individual and collectively realizing the corporate philosophy of “Creation and Fusion.” To accomplish this, we conduct departmental and company-wide training sessions for competency development, and we encourage employees to engage in proactive learning and make suggestions for improvements.
In-house training
We provide specialized education and on-the-job training in each department to serve as the foundation from which each individual can demonstrate their uniqueness and creativity.
In addition to rank-specific training sessions based on qualifications and roles, we also provide career training sessions throughout the company to improve our employees’ basic business skills and specialized skills.
Not only do we strive to improve these in-house training programs by surveying employees on their satisfaction with them once they have been completed, we have also established a system where we survey employees at a later date to check the degree of skill retention.
Major common training programs
Rank-specific training | Identify and develop the problem-solving and management skills required at each rank from entry-level employees to managers. (Examples: Logical thinking, leadership management) |
Skills training | Enable employees to acquire the necessary business skills according to their position and needs. (Examples: Facilitation, marketing) |
Company-wide training | Confirm the common literacy required for a member of society and company employee. (Examples: Compliance, harassment prevention) |
QC education | Provide technical training for QC methods and quality improvement to ensure the quality of products and operations. |
Self-development and external training
In addition to in-house learning opportunities, we provide employees with financial support for self-development, such as earning certifications or attending correspondence courses, in order to support their motivation to learn and grow on their own.
Beyond independent learning, we also provide employees with assistance to attend various training programs outside the company in order to realize our corporate philosophy of “Creation and Fusion” and to help them develop management perspectives by interacting with personnel with diverse perspectives from other companies.

Improvement proposals
In order to foster a spirit of ambitiously rising to the challenge and contributing to continuous improvements in our operations, we provide support and recognition for improvement proposals issued by our employees.
- Individual-level initiatives: P-UP (Productivity-UP) activities
- Team-based Initiatives: QC activities
- Company-wide cross-divisional projects: VC activities
Global human resources development
We emphasize the development of global human resources who can continuously create new value by integrating a diverse array of value perspectives, and we provide opportunities for language lessons and overseas trainee programs.